Agendas 09-20-18


Committee for People who have Disabilities

The Brookings Committee for People who have Disabilities will meet at 2 p.m. Friday. Items on the agenda include: 

 Schedule next meeting

 Review of proposed Mickelson Middle School addition

 Report on ABLE Award event

 Report on Brookings Bonanza event

 Sponsorship of speaker and booth at state park and recreation conference

 Durable medical equipment promotion

 City ADA coordinator report

Health System

The Brookings Health System Board of Trustees will meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday in the hospital board room. Items on the agenda include:

 Approve minutes

 CEO report

 CFO report

 CNO report

 Administrative Comm-ittee report

 Building Committee report

 Quality Committee report

 Prairie Vista Care organization

 Medical staff credentialing

 AHA annual rural healthcare leadership conference