Council to discuss upcoming vacancy


Editor's note: Due to HVAC issues at the Brookings City & County Government Center, Tuesday's city council meeting is being moved to the Brookings School District board room at Dakota Prairie Elementary, 111 26th St. S. Start time is still 6 p.m. The meeting will not be broadcast live on the city website or the city government cable channel (Swiftel Channel 9), and will not have Zoom meeting capabilities.  The meeting recording will be available on the city website (, city government channel, and city YouTube channel on Wednesday, July 28

BROOKINGS – The Brookings City Council will discuss during Tuesday’s meeting how to fill the vacancy left by Councilor Nick Wendell’s resignation.

Wendell is moving to Sioux Falls and resigning his seat on the Brookings City Council. He will be recognized during Tuesday’s meeting.

“On July 30, Council Member Nick Wendell will resign his position as city council member. Guidance on the next steps is found in the city charter and city council policy,” according to an attachment to the council agenda available on the city’s website.

The city council has had four vacancies in the past decade, according to an attachment by City Clerk Bonnie Foster. Those vacancies have been filled through the council members appointing another person to serve until the next election, following the city charter and council policy.

That is in accordance with the city’s charter, City Attorney Steve Britzman stated in a memo attached to the agenda.

Brookings City Charter Section 2.06(d) states for the filling of vacancies: a vacancy in the office of mayor or of a city council member shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term at the next regular city election. The council by a majority vote of all its remaining members shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy until the person elected to serve the remainder of the unexpired term takes office. 

The proposed timeline:

• July 27 – Discuss process at city council meeting

• July 28 – Press release issued calling for applications for vacant council seat

• Aug. 11 – Deadline for applications

• Aug. 17 – Applicants provide comments to city council during study session (This would be an added study session to the council calendar.)

• Aug. 24 – Action to appoint city council member

• Sept. 14 – New council member takes oath of office.

Contact Jodelle Greiner at