Is it really holy week?



According to the calendar for most Christian churches, this weekend begins Holy Week, when we remember and celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, his institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, his arrest, carrying of the cross, crucifixion, death, and resurrection. 

Yet with the coronavirus, most if not all local churches will not be able to host these liturgies, and most of us will not be able to carry palm branches and joyfully acclaim Jesus as our lord and savior, we will not be able to walk with Jesus as he carries his cross, or rejoice with the community at His resurrection, except perhaps through television, radio, or internet. In some sense, we carry a cross, too, with all the interruption to our normal schedule, with the fear of catching the virus, with the isolation that is part of our present situation.

Yet, as much as we are able, may we participate in these beautiful liturgies by means of television or internet. May we prayerfully ponder the Scriptures that the churches present to us this week. May we joyfully acclaim Christ as our Lord, and strive to see him in our brothers and sisters everywhere and reach out to those in special need of our help during this crisis. May we seek the common good, rather than hoarding toilet tissue and other supplies only for ourselves. May we patiently carry the cross of illness if it comes to us, uniting our sufferings to those of Jesus. And may we look forward to the resurrection of our community to good health very soon, even as we look forward to joining our risen lord in heaven when our earthly pilgrimage is finished.