Appohamilag Jerald Jayasingha, 25, of 2230 10th St. Apt. 6, speeding on a state highway, fined $97.50.
Mackenzie Faye Begalka, 22, of 818 Third Ave., left turn on red violation, fined $132.50.
Lance Kangas, 21, Hayti, speeding on a state highway, fined $97.50.
Kameron M. Mollard, 23, of 1811 Sawgrass Circle, no driver’s license, fined $132.50.
Jessica Joy McGehee, 41, Volga, failure to renew registration during assigned month, fined $132.50.
Daniel Davis, 48, Elkton, speeding on a state highway, fined $97.50.
Jamison Olson, 16, Aurora, seat belt violation, fined $25.
Christian Rosas, 24, Pipestone, Minnesota, speeding on other roadways fined $97.50; no driver’s license, fined $132.50.
Dale Lee Schwader, 56, Howard, speeding on a state highway, fined $117.50.
Bryan Lee Molina River, 30, Watertown, speeding on interstate highway, fined $137.50.
Leland Randy Wiehr, 16, of 604 Morgans Pass, municipal speeding in school zone, fined $106.50.
Olivia H. Baker, 17, Bruce, speeding on other roadways, fined $97.50.
Keith M. Needham, 60, Elkton, speeding on other roadways, fined $97.50.
Shauna Patrice Solsaa, 26, Aurora, seat belt violation, fined $25.
Molly S. Mundt, 47, of 7140 Sunset Road, speeding on other roadways, fined $97.50.
Laryn Stevens, 20, Volga, speeding on a state highway, fined $97.50.
Joshua Dean Kjelden, 26, of 325 Seventh Ave. S., seat belt violation, fined $25.
Mawut Jon Lem, 41, West Fargo, North Dakota, illegal passing in no pass zone, fined $132.50; speeding on other roadways, fined $177.50.
Frederick Derleondo Octavio Demetic Brassfield, 49, Sioux Falls, grand theft — more than $1,000 and less than or equal to $2,500, fined $500 with $1,577 restitution and sentenced to 24 months in the state penitentiary, 18 months of prison time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Roseanndra Lynn Selland, 50, of 302 Second Ave., simple assault against law enforcement officer or other public official, fined $600 and sentenced to two years in the state penitentiary and 18 days in Brookings County Detention Center, all penitentiary time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Luke Craig Wadsworth, 19, of 2205 Primrose Drive, permit threatening or harassing telephone calls, fined $396.50 and sentenced to 90 days in BCDC; resisting arrest, fined $396.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC; violation of protection order, stalking/physical injury fined $396,50 and sentenced to 90 days in BCDC, 188 days of jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Braeden Michael Pickle, 21, Grove City, Minnesota, DUI, fined $747, suspended imposition of sentence.
Isabella Schaefer, 18, of 1319 Sawgrass Drive, having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296.50; possession of alcohol by a minor, fined $132.50, suspended imposition of sentence.
Jaxon Gregory Heine, 19 Vermillion, having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Andrew Jamesglenn Fatland, 20, Sioux Falls, having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC; possession of alcohol by a minor, fined $132.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.