Brookings-area court report published 01-14-25

Posted 1/14/25

Read all about recent cases handled by circuit and magistrate courts in Brookings County.

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Brookings-area court report published 01-14-25




  • Mavrick Kory Bortnem, 17, of 2237 Bluegill Ave., overdriving road conditions, fined $132.50.
  • Vishnu Pfeifer, 23, of 928 Eighth Ave. No. 3, obstructed view, fined $132.50.



  • Appohamilag Jerald Jayasingha, 25, of 2230 10th St. Apt. 6, speeding on a state highway, fined $97.50.
  • Mackenzie Faye Begalka, 22, of 818 Third Ave., left turn on red violation, fined $132.50.
  • Lance Kangas, 21, Hayti, speeding on a state highway, fined $97.50.
  • Kameron M. Mollard, 23, of 1811 Sawgrass Circle, no driver’s license, fined $132.50.
  • Jessica Joy McGehee, 41, Volga, failure to renew registration during assigned month, fined $132.50.
  • Daniel Davis, 48, Elkton, speeding on a state highway, fined $97.50.
  • Jamison Olson, 16, Aurora, seat belt violation, fined $25.
  • Christian Rosas, 24, Pipestone, Minnesota, speeding on other roadways fined $97.50; no driver’s license, fined $132.50.
  • Dale Lee Schwader, 56, Howard, speeding on a state highway, fined $117.50.
  • Bryan Lee Molina River, 30, Watertown, speeding on interstate highway, fined $137.50.
  • Leland Randy Wiehr, 16, of 604 Morgans Pass, municipal speeding in school zone, fined $106.50.
  • Olivia H. Baker, 17, Bruce, speeding on other roadways, fined $97.50.
  • Keith M. Needham, 60, Elkton, speeding on other roadways, fined $97.50.
  • Shauna Patrice Solsaa, 26, Aurora, seat belt violation, fined $25.
  • Molly S. Mundt, 47, of 7140 Sunset Road, speeding on other roadways, fined $97.50.
  • Laryn Stevens, 20, Volga, speeding on a state highway, fined $97.50.
  • Joshua Dean Kjelden, 26, of 325 Seventh Ave. S., seat belt violation, fined $25.
  • Mawut Jon Lem, 41, West Fargo, North Dakota, illegal passing in no pass zone, fined $132.50; speeding on other roadways, fined $177.50.



  • Frederick Derleondo Octavio Demetic Brassfield, 49, Sioux Falls, grand theft — more than $1,000 and less than or equal to $2,500, fined $500 with $1,577 restitution and sentenced to 24 months in the state penitentiary, 18 months of prison time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
  • Roseanndra Lynn Selland, 50, of 302 Second Ave., simple assault against law enforcement officer or other public official, fined $600 and sentenced to two years in the state penitentiary and 18 days in Brookings County Detention Center, all penitentiary time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.


  • Luke Craig Wadsworth, 19, of 2205 Primrose Drive, permit threatening or harassing telephone calls, fined $396.50 and sentenced to 90 days in BCDC; resisting arrest, fined $396.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC; violation of protection order, stalking/physical injury fined $396,50 and sentenced to 90 days in BCDC, 188 days of jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
  • Braeden Michael Pickle, 21, Grove City, Minnesota, DUI, fined $747, suspended imposition of sentence.
  • Isabella Schaefer, 18, of 1319 Sawgrass Drive, having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296.50; possession of alcohol by a minor, fined $132.50, suspended imposition of sentence.
  • Jaxon Gregory Heine, 19 Vermillion, having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
  • Andrew Jamesglenn Fatland, 20, Sioux Falls, having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC; possession of alcohol by a minor, fined $132.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.