Brookings-area court report published 05-15-24

Posted 5/16/24

Read all about recent cases handled by circuit and magistrate courts in Brookings County.

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Brookings-area court report published 05-15-24




  • Rier Paul Mogler, 18, of 212 Pierson Hall, SDSU having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296,50 and sentenced to 10 days in Brookings County Detention Center; possession of alcohol by a minor, fined $132.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
  • Wilson Corado Mendez, 29, Elkton, DUI, fined $747 and sentenced to 30 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
  • Ryder Vanbemmel, 18, Rock Valley, Iowa, having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.


  • Raya Hesser, 17, Bruce, under-21 driver, fined $453 and sentenced to seven days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
  • Ava Marie Ann Graham, 19, of 2211 Primrose Drive, under-21 driver, fined $453 and sentenced to 30 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
  • Sara Sobran, 58, Cambridge, Minnesota, second-degree petty theft — $400 or less, fined $198.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
  • Carson Lee Dougan, 19, of 310 Schultz Hall, SDSU, disorderly conduct, fined $198.50.
  • Nikolas Richard Weeks, 40, Arlington, speeding on other roadways, fined $117.50; seat belt violation, fined $25.
  • Olamide E, Ojedokun, 25, of 1904 Eighth St. Apt. 78, disorderly conduct, fined $198.50 and sentenced to 15 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.