Brookings-area court report published 12-26-24

Posted 12/27/24

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Brookings-area court report published 12-26-24




Jose Luis Blandon Cardenas, 43, Sauk Centre, Minnesota, speeding on a state highway, fined $137.50.
Edwin Mendez Alfredo Ocampos, 21, of 1027 Western Ave. No. A, no driver’s license, fined $132.50.
Elias Michael Boomgarden, 21, Hurley, disturbing the peace, fined $132.50.
Marissa Krystyna Harms, 32, of 608 Heritage Drive, improper highway entry, fined $132.50.
Debra Deonne Piper, 66, Sioux Falls, failure to renew registration during the assigned month, fined $132.50.
Calvin Oliver Rasmussen, 22, of 105 Gilley Ave. S., disturbing the peace, fined $132.50.
Logan Richert, 20, of 1729 20th Ave., possession of alcohol by a minor, fined $178.50.
Jacob Thomas Orthaus, 21, Hugo, Minnesota, seat belt violation, fined $25.
Hunter Ray Rederick, 18, of 913 Southland Lane Apt. 1, speeding on other roadways; racing on highway, fined $228.50 and sentenced to 30 days in Brookings County Detention Center, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Abigail Brooke Gonzalez, 28, of 703 Eighth St. S. No. 8, speeding on other roadways, fined $97.50.
Trecyn Morris Hallman Trecyn, 21, Harrisburg, disorderly conduct, fined $278.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Immanuel Kotze, 29, Volga, warning light required on certain slow-moving vehicles, fined $228.50.
Oscar Enrique Marenco, 32, of 604 First Ave. No. 202, no driver’s license, fined $132.50.

Miguel Gonzalez, 50, of 908 First St., use or possession of drug paraphernalia, fined $278.50.
Ava Paulson, 18, Hutchinson, Minnesota, speeding on other roadways, fined $97.50.
Connie E. Hermes, 62 De Smet, speeding on a state highway, fined $97.50.
Kyle J. Rausch, 40, of 3801 16th Ave. W., speeding on other roadways, fined $97.50.
Julio Cesar Romero Hernandez, 40, Pipestone, Minnesota, failure to maintain financial responsibility, fined $128.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC; no driver’s license, fined $178.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Emma Jean Olson, 21, of 2307 Nicole Lane No. 2, speeding on other roadways, fined $137.50.
Joel L. Read, 57, Redwood Falls, Minnesota, speeding on other roadways, fined $97.50.
Michael John Andresen, 66, of 2110 22nd Ave. S. Lot 56, speeding on other roadways, fined $97.50.
Mogen Donald Winkelmann, 19, Morgan, Minnesota, speeding on other roadways, fined $97.50.



Demetrius Vyshonn Miller, 25, New Hope, Minnesota, DUI, fined $747, suspended imposition of sentence.
Jayme Anderson, 45, Clear Lake, DUI, fined $747 and sentenced to 30 days in Brookings County Detention Center, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Dwight D. Kuhlman, 19, Humboldt, having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC; possession of alcohol by a minor, fined $132.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Riley C. Schultz, 18, Baltic having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.

Jedidiah E. Dooyema, 24, Luverne, Minnesota, enter or surreptitiously remain in building, fined $296.50, suspended imposition of sentence.
Bryce Alan Backer, 20, Brandon, having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296.50 and sentenced to 10 day in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Ashlee Kae Kirbach, 20, Sioux Falls, having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Venuel Maliha, 21, of 106 Ben Reifel Hall, SDSU, DUI, fined $747 and sentenced to 30 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Jeremiah Pini, 22, of 1416 Student Union Lane, DUI, fined $747 and sentenced to 30 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Jeremy Donald Holter, 39, Volga, enter or surreptitiously remain in building, fined $396.50 and sentenced to 30 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Andrew M. Nieman, 39, of 2110 22nd Ave. S., driving with a revoked license, fined $396.50 and sentenced to 30 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Jose M.C. Ramirez, 35, of 712 Campanile Ave., DUI, fined $747 and sentenced to 30 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Sage Lawrence, 19, of 410 15th St. S., stalking, fined $396.50 and sentenced to 30 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Jacob Michael Timm, 20, Lake Benton, Minnesota, having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Ryan Daniel Thomson, 43, of 116 Main Ave. S., driving with a revoked license, fined $396.50 and sentenced to 30 days in BCDC, 10 days of jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.


Amanda Rachelle Stafford, 45, of 2222 10th St., seat belt violation, fined $25.