Letters to the Editor

Tough to love

By Charles M. Mohler


Posted 11/22/24

"And may the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow, just as our love for you overflows. — 1 Thessalonians 3:12

Friends love others.

We know that we …

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Letters to the Editor

Tough to love


"And may the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow, just as our love for you overflows. — 1 Thessalonians 3:12

Friends love others.

We know that we have been called to love others, but sometimes this is difficult to do.

We may be busy, or we may be dealing with painful things in our own lives. We may have a broken relationship that causes us to distrust even those who are close to us. It can be hard to live in harmony with others.

Feelings get hurt.

Misunderstandings happen.

People (including us) can be selfish.

So, how do we live in harmony with others? How do we love when we do not feel like loving?

It is only possible through the power of God's Holy Spirit.

As this verse tells us, the Lord can make our love increase. Only as we receive His love deep in our hearts will we have love to give to others. Only as we allow the Holy Spirit to fill us and empower us will our hearts be so full of love that overflows to others.

While we benefit from loving others, the purpose is bigger than just that. Loving others also brings glory to our heavenly father, the creator of friendship. He created us for relationships with him and with others. When we love others, it brings glory to his great and loving name.

Spend some time praying and asking God to reveal his love for you.

Ask him to open your heart wide to receive his love fully; so, that it will overflow into your human relationships.

Think about a friend who may need a reminder of God's love for him or her. Then, find an opportunity to demonstrate his love today.

How can you demonstrate God's love to a friend today?

What is one way you can show love to someone who is difficult to love?