Jensen: Post a great candidate

Letter to the editor

Kevin D. Jensen, Majority Whip, S.D. House of Representatives
Posted 5/25/22

Integrity. What does it mean to you? Honesty? Trustworthiness? I am amazed and saddened at the number of “hate-filled” postcards being sent by members of the South Dakota Republican Legislature against other members of the Republican Party simply because they are deemed “too conservative.”

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Jensen: Post a great candidate

Letter to the editor


Integrity. What does it mean to you? Honesty? Trustworthiness? I am amazed and saddened at the number of “hate-filled” postcards being sent by members of the South Dakota Republican Legislature against other members of the Republican Party simply because they are deemed “too conservative.” You may want to read that last sentence again because it is true. These postcards contain half-truths and blatant lies. I believe every incumbent being hit by these cards voted four or more times to reduce your taxes in the last session while those who raised your taxes are the ones behind the postcards. One card even went back to a single statement made by Doug Post at a redistricting meeting that was taken out of context. I know that Doug met Ginger while attending SDSU. His father was the first in his family to attend there and now his two oldest children are enrolled at SDSU. To say he does not support the university is disingenuous.

I believe integrity is not measured bill by bill, it is measured by the substance of the complete person. If you are willing to disparage good people to get your way, you have no integrity. Doug Post, District 7 candidate, is a former legislator who is running to return to Pierre to work for you. In my six years in the House of Representatives, and the last four as majority whip, I have the opportunity to see how people interact and vote every day. I can say that Doug Post is a man of integrity. I proudly served with Doug and trusted his opinion and measured reasoning on bills. He and his family do not deserve the outlandish accusations being made by the South Dakota Strong PAC. Remember, when you attack a candidate’s integrity, you attack their entire family at the same time.

You have to ask the question; why is the Republican leadership in the Senate trying so hard to remove conservative candidates and incumbents in the Senate and the House that they are willing to resort to lies and distortions of voting records? Attacking good people just because you disagree is simply wrong on every level.

My sincere hope is that these hate-filled postcards not only fail, but that the people sending them are held accountable by the voters. I fully endorse Doug Post for SD District 7 and hope that you too will support him and his family. God bless and have a safe summer.