Savvy Caregiver classes being offered for those caring for people with dementia

Staff reports
Posted 5/24/24

Caring for a person with dementia is a role like no other, and that role requires training.

The free Savvy Caregiver classes provide training for unpaid family caregivers. The small group …

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Savvy Caregiver classes being offered for those caring for people with dementia


Caring for a person with dementia is a role like no other, and that role requires training.

The free Savvy Caregiver classes provide training for unpaid family caregivers. The small group discussion classes address the progressive impact of the illness and the skills needed to manage daily caregiver responsibilities. 

The six sessions will help develop good care management tools through group discussions, skill building, problem solving, assertiveness training, and brainstorming. 

Participants will learn to:

  • Understand dementia and its effect on behavior. 
  • Develop strategies to build contented involvement in the care recipient, creating a calmer environment for all. 
  • Develop effective strategies for caregiving and decision making. 
  • Adopt a more strategic outlook on caregiving and work. 

These classes will be Wednesdays, June 12-July 24 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Brookings Activity Center. Call or email Carmen at 605-333-3319, to register (limited to 15 participants).