Brookings-area agendas for the week starting Aug. 25, 2024

Posted 8/23/24

Read all about what Brookings-area governing agencies have on their agendas in the week ahead.

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Brookings-area agendas for the week starting Aug. 25, 2024


Editor's note: This file was uploaded to our website on Friday (08-23-24). Further updates will be appropriately noted.

Brookings Disability Awareness Committee

The Brookings Disability Awareness Committee will meet at noon Thursday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Budget updates

• Officer updates

• Proclamation

• White cane


• Mayor’s awards

• Listening session update

• ASL class update

• Merch to hand out

• August meeting

Brookings City Council

It is possible that at least four City Council members may be present for the Downtown at Sundown event on Thursday, Aug. 29, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. on Main Avenue in downtown Brookings. Though a majority of City Council members may be present, no official city business will be acted upon.

Brookings Charter Review Commission

The Brookings Charter Review Commission will meet at 5:30 p.m. Monday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Introductions

• Agenda review

• Review of last meeting

• Finish identifying areas for review

• Begin addressing easy topics

• Next meeting

Brookings City Council

The Brookings City Council will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Open forum

• Approve minutes

• Action on temporary alcohol/special event licenses for existing alcohol license holders with events held on publicly owned property

• Action a resolution awarding bids on the 2024-25 contractor snow removal equipment contracts

• Action on a resolution declaring surplus property

• Introduction of new City of Brookings employee

• SDSU Student Association report

• Presentation on pre-disaster mitigation plan

• Introduction and first reading on an ordinance certifying the 2025 property tax levy to the Brookings County finance officer. Second reading and action: Sept. 10

• Introduction and first reading on an ordinance granting a franchise to Mediacom Minnesota LLC to construct, operate, and maintain a cable television system setting forth conditions accompanying the grant of the franchise; providing for regulation and use of the system; and prescribing penalties for the violation of its provisions

• Introduction and first reading on an ordinance establishing reasonable accommodations pursuant to the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988; second reading and action: Sept. 10

• Introduction and first reading on an ordinance to permit by conditional use a major home occupation hair salon at 1635 17th Ave. S.: Public hearing and action: Sept. 10

• Second reading and action on an ordinance authorizing budget amendment No. 8 to the 2024 budget

• Public hearing and action on an ordinance amending Chapter 82 of the code of ordinances, pertaining to the covering of vehicle loads

• Public hearing and action on an ordinance amending Articles I & II of Chapter 72 - Storm Drainage, of the code of ordinances

• Public hearing and action on a commercial corridor design review overlay district site plan for Lot 1 in Block 1 of Reserve Fourth Addition

• Public hearing and action on a resolution to amend the 2040 Comprehensive Plan’s future land use map

• Action on a resolution transferring city manager contingency funds to city departments

• Action on a resolution declaring boundaries and recommending creation of Tax Increment Financing District No. 16

• Action on a resolution Adopting the Tax Increment District No. 16 project plan

• City progress report

• City Council member introduction of topics for future discussion

Brookings Health System

The Brookings Health System board of trustees will meet at 5 p.m. Monday in the hospital board room. Items on the agenda include:

• New strategic marketing plan

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• June and July financials

• Annual review of board bylaws

• Quality assessment performance improvement

• Informational items

• CEO report

• CFO report

• CNO report

• Administrative committee report

• Finance committee report

• Quality committee report

• Medical staff credentialing

• Yorkshire Medical building

Brookings Municipal Utilities Board

The Brookings Municipal Utilities Board will meet at 11:45 a.m. Monday in the Utilities Building at 525 Western Ave. The meeting will also be available via Microsoft Teams. The lone item on the agenda is approval of bills and claims.