Brookings-area agendas for the week starting Sept. 8, 2024

Posted 9/6/24

Read all about what Brookings-area governing agencies have on their agendas in the week ahead.

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Brookings-area agendas for the week starting Sept. 8, 2024


Brookings Human Rights Commission

The Brookings Human Rights Commission will meet a 5:30 p.m. Thursday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Public Comment

• Introductions

• Recommendation to city council

• Human rights training

• Awards

• Meeting schedule

• Medical interpreter training program

• Ice cream social and community fair

• Common read event

• Vacancies

• Budget

• Brookings Police Department report

• SDSU Police Department report

• Sheriff’s office report

• School district report

• SDSU report

• LGBTQ report

• Disability Committee report

• CLEAR report

• SDSU SA report

• PEAK campaign

• DEI initiative

• Social media work group report

• LGBTQ awareness work group report

• Africans in the diaspora culture awareness training

• Indigenous peoples training

Brookings Historic Preservation Commission

The Brookings Historic Preservation Commission will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Review updates for 312 Eighth Ave., 509 Main Ave., 427 Main Ave. and 815 Fifth St.

• Homeschool walking tour

• Survey update

• Public education update

• Codes and design update

• Incentives and partnerships update

• Mayor’s award planning

• Trolley rides recap

• Upcoming events

• Next meeting

Brookings Library Board

The Brookings Library Board will meet at noon Thursday in the Brookings Library at 515 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Public comment on items not on the agenda

• Continuing education record

• Public comment on book clubs and library programs

• Approve bills

• Vision statements

• Financial report

• Librarian’s report

• Next meeting

Brookings School Board

The Brookings School District Board of Education will meet at 5:15 p.m. Monday at Dakota Prairie Elementary School at 111 26th St. S. Items on the agenda include:

• Comments from audience

• Approve agenda

• Conflict of interest declarations and waivers

• Brookings Lions Club and Optimist Club presentation

• Presentation from Heather Asmussen, special education director

• Performance Oversight Committee report

• Facilities and Construction Committee report

• Policy and Governance Committee report

• School Finance Committee report

• Ad Hoc Committee report

• General board member communications

• Superintendent’s report

• High school report

• Middle school report

• Camelot report

• Dakota Prairie report

• Hillcrest report

• Medary report

• PK-5 director of curriculum and instruction report

• 6-12 director of curriculum and instruction report

• Special services report

• Activities report

• Child nutrition report

• Director or instructional technology and knowledge management report

• Director of transportation and buildings/grounds report

• Business services report

• Facilities report

• Notification of policy review on “district recognition of non-school sports”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “learner conduct — learner activities”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “learner travel”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “organizational chart”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “purchasing procedures”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “bidding requirements”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “payment requirements”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “expense reimbursement”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “surplus property”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “meal charge”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “qualifications of teachers”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “instructional materials”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “library materials selection and adoption”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “use of artificial intelligence technology”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “use of computers and networks”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “learner conduct”

• Second reading of revisions made to policy on “law enforcement and Department of Social Services interview policy”

• Discussion on Fifth Street Gym, BHS science rooms and roofing

• Approve minutes

• Financial reports

• Bills

• Personnel report

• Open enrollments

• Approve revisions to policy on “organizational chart”

• Approve revisions to policy on “purchasing procedures”

• Approve revisions to policy on “bidding requirements”

• Approve revisions to policy on “payment procedures”

• Approve revisions to policy on “expense reimbursement”

• Approve revisions to policy on “surplus property”

• Approve revisions to policy on “meal charge”

• Approve revisions to policy on “qualifications of teachers”

• Approve revisions to policy on “instructional materials”

• Approve revisions to policy on “library materials selection and adoption"

• Approve revisions to policy on “use of artificial intelligence technology”

• Approve revisions to policy on “use of computers and networks”

• Approve revisions to policy on “learner conduct”

• Approve revisions to policy on “law enforcement and Department of Social Services learner interview policy”

• Approve donated items

• Approve site agreement with Great After School Place

• Approval for superintendent to take action on Fifth Street Gym

• Approve architect for BHS science department renovations

• Approve roof repairs

• Approve letter of agreement with the University of Northern Iowa for student teaching and internships

Elkton School Board

The Elkton School District Board of Education will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the school telecom room. Items on the agenda incude:

• Public comments

• Approve agenda

• Conflict of interest disclosures

• Approve minutes

• Financial reports

• Bill

• Second reading of polices on Title IX, visitor, public participation, criminal background checks and fingerprinting for employees and the Boys & Girls Club

• NESC report

• Library report

• Business manager report

• Principals’ reports

• Superintendent’s report

• Executive session for a student matter

Deubrook School Board

The Deubrook Area School District Board of Education will meet at 7 p.m. Monday in the lunchroom at the Toronto School. Items on the agenda include

• Open forum

• Approve agenda

• Introduction of guests

• Good news report

• Academic achievement report

• Conflict of interest disclosures

• Financial reports

• Approve minutes

• Athletic worker pay

• Gymnastics co-op pay

• Contract revision

• Girls softball

• New contracts

• Bussing request update

• Strategic plan

• Superintendent’s report

• Dean of students — activity director report

• Elementary principal’s report

• Executive session

• Facility Committee report

• NESC report

• Community library report

• Next meeting

Brookings Sustainability Council

The Brookings Sustainability Council will meet at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Open forum

• SDSU discussion

• Update on solar project

• Budget update

• Housekeeping update

• Marketing and communication subcommittee report

• Climate action plan subcommittee report

• Waste subcommittee report

• Energy subcommittee report

• Local foods subcommittee report

• No Mow May subcommittee report

• Bee City subcommittee report

• Park and Recreation Board liaison report

• Planning Commission liaison report

• Historic Preservation liaison report

• Local Emergency Planning Commission liaison report

• BATA liaison report

• Call for future agenda items

Brookings City Council

It is possible that at least four City Council members may be present for the National Senior Center Month event on Sept. 10 from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Brookings Activity Center. Though a majority of City Council members may be present, no official city business will be acted upon.

Brookings Municipal Utilities Board

The Brookings Municipal Utilities Board will meet at 1 p.m. Monday in the Utility Building at 525 Western Ave. The meeting will also be available through Microsoft Teams. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Approve bills and claims

• Invitation for citizen input

• Capital improvement program for 2025

• Set date for public hearing on 2025 budget and rates

• Amendments to personnel section of policy manual

• Resolution of support for the Dakota Mainstem Regional Water System

• Awarding of bids for padmounted transformers for the Electric Department and switchgear for the Electric Department

• Department reports

• Strategic priorities for water

• Executive session for personnel issues

Brookings Park and Recreation Board

The Brookings Park and Recreation Board will meet at 5:30 p.m. Monday to conduct a tour of city parks followed by a regular meeting at the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Park tour

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Public comment

• Discussion and possible action on mayor’s awards

Arlington School Board

The Arlington School District Board of Education will meet at 6 p.m. Monday. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Monthly financial statements

• Current bills

• Open enrollments

• Recognitions

• Public comment

• Conflict of interest declarations

• Building and grounds report

• Business manager’s report

• Contract for junior high girls basketball coach

• A Club adviser resignation

• Consider tax request

• Approve budget

• Principal’s report

• Superintendent’s report

• Executive session

• Student educational program action

Brookings City Council

The Brookings City Council will hold a budget study session at 6 p.m. Tuesday followed by a regular meeting in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Budget workshop

• Approve agenda

• Open forum

• Approve minutes

• Action on appointments to the Brookings Historic Preservation Commission: Stephen VanBuren and Melisa Yager

• Action on an appointment to the Brookings Human Rights Commission: Keely Eagleshield

• Action on temporary alcohol/special event alcoholic beverage licenses from existing alcohol license holders

• Action on a resolution declaring surplus property

• SDSU Student Association report

• Ex-officio reports

• Public hearing and action on an ordinance to permit by conditional use permit townhouses on Blocks 3A and 4 in Northern Plains Addition

• Public hearing and action on an ordinance establishing reasonable accommodations pursuant to the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988

• Public hearing and action on an ordinance to permit by conditional use a major home occupation hair salon at 1635 17th Ave. S.

• Second reading and action on an ordinance certifying the 2025 City of Brookings property tax levy to the Brookings County finance officer.

• Second reading and action on an ordinance granting a franchise to Mediacom Minnesota LLC to construct, operate, and maintain a cable television system

• Public hearing and action on a special event temporary alcohol application from the Brookings Area Chamber, to host a Downtown SDSU Watch Party on the 300 Block of Main Avenue on Oct. 5

• Action on a resolution amending the consolidated fee schedule

• City Council member introduction of topics for future discussion

• Executive session for personnel issues and consultation with legal counsel