Brookings Public Library's disability education series continues with talk

From staff reports
Posted 6/14/24

BROOKINGS —On Thursday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m., the Brookings Public Library will host Kendra Gottsleben, local disability advocate, author, and speaker, to give a talk entitled …

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Brookings Public Library's disability education series continues with talk


BROOKINGS —On June 20 at 6:30 p.m., the Brookings Public Library will host Kendra Gottsleben, local disability advocate, author and speaker, to give a talk entitled “Life’s Lemons.” Gottsleben's life motto is "When Life Hands You Lemons ... Make Lemonade." Join her as she shares her journey of living life with a rare disease and how she strives to make an impact in the rare disease and disability space.

Gottsleben has defined her life by a positive outlook and success in overcoming obstacles. She refuses to be defined by Mucopolysaccharidosis —the rare genetic condition she has had since birth. Gottsleben is the marketing communication specialist at the Center for Disabilities at the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She is an author and spokesperson on living a life with a rare disease and disability, as well as the founder and executive director of the nonprofit organization, Rare by Design.

This event is the continuation of a series focused on disability education that will run throughout 2024 and early 2025. These events are made possible by the Peggy Barber Tribute grant through the American Library Association. Keep an eye out for the next event in September.

For additional information about the library's programs and services, visit its website at and  follow it on Facebook @bkglib. The library's mission is to provide materials and information contributing to the education, recreation, and quality of life for the Brookings community.