The pits

American Life in Poetry

Kwame Dawes
Posted 7/5/22

Alice Friman, in her emo­tion­al­ly com­plex poem, ​“The Peach,” describes what appears to be the end of a rela­tion­ship.

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The pits

American Life in Poetry


Alice Friman, in her emo­tion­al­ly com­plex poem, ​“The Peach,” describes what appears to be the end of a rela­tion­ship. The nature of the rela­tion­ship is not clear, though Friman’s images of stick­i­ness and run­ning juices sug­gests a tac­tile sen­su­al­i­ty, that stands in con­trast to the final image of snow­drifts and numb­ness. It is a short, com­pact, nar­ra­tive, that ends with a del­i­cate­ly cap­tured dis­qui­et, cap­tured in the ques­tion that ends the poem. 

The Peach

I stood on a corner eating a peach,

the juice running down my arm.

A corner in Pergos where he left me,

Pergos where I could catch a bus.

What was I supposed to do now

alone, my hands sticky with it

standing on the corner where he

left me a Greek peach, big as a softball,

big as an orange from Spain, but it

wasn’t from Spain, but from Pergos,

where I could see his red truck

disappear around a corner, not

my corner but further up the street,

and only later, months later, back

home when the trees were slick

with ice, their topmost branches

shiny as swords stabbing the heart

out of the sky, the earth chilled under

snowdrifts or as we tend to say, sleeping.

But I don’t know, frozen maybe, numb?