Brookings-area agendas for the week starting Sept. 3, 2023

Posted 8/30/23

Read all about what Brookings-area governing entities have on their agendas in the week ahead.

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Brookings-area agendas for the week starting Sept. 3, 2023


Editor's note: This file was posted to our website at approximately 11:30 a.m. CDT Thursday (08-31-23). Future updates to the agendas will be appropriately noted.

Brookings Planning Commission

The Brookings Planning Commission, which also serves as the Brookings County Board of Adjustment, will meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

Board of Adjustment

• Baller Properties LLC — front yard Parking — 906 Seventh St.

• Jerry Nissen — exceed maximum square footage for accessory structures — 206 Maple Drive

Planning Commission

• Revised preliminary plat — Lots 1 and 2 in Block 1 of Reserve Fourth Addition

• Rezone .57 acres in Reserve Fourth Addition from Business B-3 Heavy District to Business B-2 District

• Rezone 1.57 acres in Reserve Fourth Addition from Business B-2A Office District to Business B-2 District

• Rezone a portion of Block 5, Original Plat Addition from Residence R-2 Two-Family District and Business B-2A Office District to a Planned Development District with Business B-1 Central District underlying zoning

• Initial development plan for the Ivy Center

• Commercial corridor design review overlay district site plan - Lot 1, Tract 2, Fox Run Addition

• Commercial corridor design review overlay district site plan - Lot 1, Block 19, Prairie Hills Addition

Joint Jurisdiction Board of Adjustment

A Brookings County/City of Brookings joint jurisdiction board of adjustment will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve minutes

• Items to be added to agenda by commission members or staff

• Invitation for citizen to schedule time on the commission agenda for an item not listed

• Conflict of interest disclosures

• Approve agenda

• Cody Clifford has made an application to the Joint Jurisdiction Board of Adjustment for a conditional use permit. Joint Zoning Ordinance for Brookings County and the City of Brookings: Article III District Regulations, Chapter 3.06 Aquifer Protection, Section 3.06.04. Zone A – Aquifer Critical Impact Zone, Section conditional uses in Zone A No. 4: Accessory structures greater than 120 square feet in area. The property is in Aurora Township and is located at 1202 58th Ave,, Brookings, 57006.

• Triple R Partners LLC by Jesse Rounds has made an application to the Joint Jurisdiction Board of Adjustment for a conditional use permit. Joint Zoning Ordinance for Brookings County and the City of Brookings: Article III District Regulations, Chapter 3.04 “A” Agricultural Land District; Section 3.04.02 conditional cse No. 17: Sand, gravel or quarry operations; mineral exploration and extraction; rock crushers; and concrete and asphalt mixing plants. The property is in Aurora Township,

• Department reports

• Executive session

Brookings County Planning and Zoning Commission

The Brookings County Planning and Zoning Commission, which also serves as the Brookings County Board of Adjustment, will meet following the joint city-county meeting Tuesday at the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve minutes

• Items to be added to agenda by commission members or staff

• Conflict of interest disclosures

• Approve agenda

• Consideration of plats in the Cedar Pointe and Highland additions

Board of Adjustment

• Lowell Kruse has made an application to the Brookings County Board of Adjustment for a variance. Article 11.00: Section 11.01 “A” Agricultural District: Area Regulation No. 2: Front Yard: The minimum depth of the front yard shall be 100 feet. A corner lot will have two front yards. The property is in Sherman Township and is located at 47904 SD Highway 30, White, 57276

• Luke Schwitzer for Buffalo Ridge I LLC, a subsidiary of Avangrid Renewables LLC has made an application to the Brookings County Board of Adjustment for a conditional use. Article 11: Section 11.01: “A” Agricultural District: Conditional Use Permit No. 6: Contractors’ shops and yards. The property is in Lake Hendricks Township.

Planning and Zoning

• Zoning ordinance changes, pertaining to changes for “commercial industrial dictricts” “permitted uses” and “conditional uses

• Department reports

• Executive session

Editor's note: Agendas below this point were added to this file at approximately noon Friday (09-01-23).


The Brookings Municipal Utilities Board will meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the Utility Building at 525 Western Ave. Items on the agenda include:

• Executive session to discuss competitive service offerings, review communication from legal counsel about pending litigation and contractual matters

• Discussion of universal service fund options.

Brookings County Commission

The Brookings County Commission will meet at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Invitation for a citizen to schedule time on the commission agenda for an item not listed

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Travel and education requests

• Personnel action notices

• Cellular authorizations

• Human services report

• Approve claims

• County Development Department report

• Public hearing and action to approve a special events license for J & A Diedrich, dba Jay Street Pub, for an event at Bennett Barn on Saturday, Sept. 16

• Public hearing and action to approve a resolution authorizing the submission of a community development block grant application

• Public hearing and action to approve adoption of the 2024 provisional budget

• Public hearing, and action to approve an ordinance establishing the requirements, fees, and regulations for the Issuance of alcoholic beverage licenses

• Action to approve an abatement application made by RS Properties, LLC for a parcel in the amount of $350.27

• Action to approve a resolution authorizing the purchase of a 2024 John Deere 772G

• Action to approve a resolution amending the joint cooperative agreement for the management of the Brookings City & County Government Center

• Action to approve a State of South Dakota Department of Public Safety Office of Emergency Management 2024 local emergency management performance grant

• Action to approve Agreement #23-49: an application for occupancy of right of way of county highways made by Brookings-Deuel Rural Water System in Argo Township

• Action to approve a right-of-way certificate for a project

• Action to approve the low bid to ARS, a Tecta America Company, for the courthouse roof replacement project in the amount of $387,725.

• Action to automatically supplement for unanticipated expenses incurred and reimbursement made for reimbursement for a four-wheeler in the Weed and Pest Department in the amount of $6,800

• Action to approve a request to fill a vacancy for a deputy state’s attorney

• Action to declare items as surplus property to be sold via online auction

• Discussion and possible action on rural access infrastructure funds for township culvert projects

• Commission Department director’s report

• State’s attorney’s office report

• Commissioner reports and discussion items

• Executive session for personnel and security issues

Arlington City Council

The Arlington City Council will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Arlington City Hall at 202 E. Elm St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Approve payment for vacation guide ads

• Approve bills

• Sewer project

• Sewer project and Birch Street update

• Second reading of ordinance to re-zone property

• Second reading of ordinance to amend the outdoor fires section of the ordinance book

• Second reading of the 2024 budget ordinance

• Public comments

• First reading on the zoning ordinance book

• First reading of an ordinance to amend the liquor tax

• First reading of an ordinance to add mausoleum’s to the cemetery portion of the ordinance book

• Garbage contract

• Weeds

• Hickory Street stop sign

• Building permit applications

• Ambulance

• County road tax

• County contract law

• Billboard update

• Approve burning of “A” for homecoming

• Chamber shed

• Electric report

• ACDC report

• Approve employee overtime and police report

• Review financial reports

• Fall city cleanup

• Final insurance statement

• Mayor’s report

• Executive session