Brookings-area agendas for the week starting Aug. 11, 2024

Posted 8/9/24

Read all about what Brookings-area governing agencies have on their agendas in the week ahead.

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Brookings-area agendas for the week starting Aug. 11, 2024


Editor's note: This file was uploaded to our website at 12:11 p.m. Friday (08-09-24). Further updates will appear at the top of this file, and be appropriately noted, as they're received.

Brookings Sustainability Council

The Brookings Sustainability Council will meet at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Open forum

• SDSU facilities tour

• City updates

• Downtown at Sundown planning

• Mayor’s Awards planning

• Marketing and communication subcommittee report

• Climate action plan subcommittee report

• Waste subcommittee report

• Energy subcommittee report

• Local foods subcommittee report

• Temporary no mow May subcommittee report

• Park and Recreation Board liaison report

• Planning Commission liaison report

• Historic Preservation liaison report

• Local Emergency Planning Commission liaison report

• BATA liaison report

• Call for future agenda items

East Dakota Water Development District

The East Dakota Water Development District will meet at 9 a.m. Thursday in the EDWDD office at 132B Airport Ave. in Brookings Items on the agenda include:

• Project assistance request from the Dakota Mainstem Regional Water System for general support.

• Project assistance request from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology for examining trends in PFAS in the Big Sioux River

• Presentation on the Midwest Assistance Program’s private well assessment program

• Review of proposed changes to EDWDD director areas as the result of 2024 legislation

• South Dakota Rural Water Center’s ‘Ripples of Change’ white paper

• Nitrates in the Big Sioux River

• Updates on district activities

• Other items of interest to EDWDD

Brookings Library Board

The Brookings Library Board will meet at noon Thursday in the Brookings Public Library at 515 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Public comment on items not on agenda

• Continuing education record

• Approve bills

• Policy updates on material selection, unattended children and internet usage

• Financial report

• Librarian’s report

• Next meeting

Brookings City Council

It is possible that at least four City Council members may be present for the Downtown at Sundown event to be held Thursday, Aug. 15, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. on Main Avenue in downtown Brookings. Though a majority of City Council members may be present, no official city business will be acted upon.


Sioux Valley School Board

The Sioux Valley School District Board of Education will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday in the school library media center. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• District financial report

• Consideration of claims

• Conflict of interest disclosures

• Public input on agenda or non-agenda items

• Northeast Educational Services Co-op report

• BASE report

• Activities director’s report

• Administrative reports

• Hear request by Volga Baseball Association to turf the infield at Hoff Field

• Open enrollments

• Appoint board committees

• Approve offer versus serve option for school lunch program

• Approve school improvement plan

• Approve dress code for elementary students

• Discuss cost estimates for potential building projects

• Declare items surplus

• Discuss date and time for annual school board retreat

• Executive session for personnel issues

• Resignations

• New hires

• Contract adjustments

• Work agreement adjustments

Brookings City Council/Brookings County Commisson

The Brookings County Commission and the Brookings City Council will hold a joint meeting at 5:30 p.m. followed by a regular meeting of the Brooking City Council at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

Joint meeting

• Approve agenda

• Public hearing and action on a city and county ordinance to rezone land from a Joint Jurisdiction Residence R-3A District to a Joint Jurisdiction Business B-3 Heavy District

City Council

• Open forum

• Approve minutes

• Action on appointments to the Public Arts Commission

• Action on an appointment to the Planning Commission

• Action on 2025 meeting calendar

• Action on a resolution awarding the bid for a 4,000-gallon water truck

• Action on a resolution authorizing change order No. 2 for the pickleball courts project

• Action on temporary alcohol / special event licenses for existing alcohol license holders with events held on publicly owned property

• Proclamation: A Day to Celebrate the Cultures of Our Community

• Ex-officio reports

• Master drainage plan

• A resolution awarding bids for a structure replacement

• Introduction and first reading on an ordinance authorizing budget amendment No. 8 to the 2024 budget: Second reading and action: Aug. 27

• Introduction and first reading on an ordinance amending Chapter 82 of the code of ordinances, pertaining to the covering of vehicle loads: Public hearing and action: Aug, 27

• Introduction and first reading on an ordinance amending articles I and II of Chapter 72 - Storm Drainage, of the code of ordinances: Public hearing and action: Aug. 27

• Public hearing and action on an ordinance to rezone land in Northern Plains Addition from a Business B-2A Office District to a Residence R-2 Two-Family District

• Public hearing and action on an ordinance to permit by conditional use permit townhouses in lots in Northern Plains Addition

• Action on a revised preliminary plat for blocks in Northern Plains Addition

• Action on a resolution approving revised policies

• City Council member introduction of topics for future discussion

• Executive session for the purpose of consulting with legal counsel or reviewing communications from legal counsel about proposed or pending litigation or contractual matters.

Brookings School Board

The Brookings School District Board of Education will meet at 5:15 p.m. Monday at Dakota Prairie Elementary School at 111 26th St. S. Items on the agenda include:

• Comments from audience

• Approve agenda

• Conflict of interest declarations and waivers

• Performance Oversight Committee report

• Facilities and Construction Committee report

• Policy and Governance Committee report

• School Finance Committee report

• Report from ad. hoc committees

• General board member communications

• Superintendent’s report

• Director of facilities report

• Notification of review of policy on “learner conduct — learner activities”

• Notification of review of policy on “learner travel”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “purchasing procedures”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “bidding requirements”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “payment procedures”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “expense reimbursement”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “surplus property”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “meal charge”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “qualifications of teachers”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “instructional materials”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “library materials selection and adoption”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “use of artificial intelligence technology”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “use of computers and networks”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “learner conduct”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “law enforcement and Department of Social Services learner interview policy”

• First reading of revisions made to policy on “organizational chart”

• Approve minutes

• Financial report

• Approve bills

• Personnel report

• Open enrollments

• Approve BHS taekwondo club agreement

• Approve BHS bowling club agreement

• Approve BHS swimming club agreement

• Approve BHS baseball club agreement

• Approve BHS clay target club agreement

• Approve donated items

• Approve 2024-25 budget and levies

• Approve annual salary listing

• Approve board subcommittees

• Approve Medicaid administration agreement with Southeast Area Cooperative

• Approve memorandum of understanding for school resource officer services

• Approve date for September work session

Brookings Municipal Utilities

The Brookings Municipal Utilities Board will meet at 1 p.m Monday in the Utility Building at 525 Western Ave. The meeting will also be available via Microsoft Teams. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Approve bills and claims

• Henkin Schultz presentation

• Invitation for citizen input

• Executive session to discuss competitive service offerings, review communication from legal counsel about pending litigation and contractual matters

• Collective bargaining agreement

• Quarterly financial review

• Review 2025 capital improvement program

• Mutual aid agreement with Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association

• Final payment on the 2023 manhole rehabilitation project

• Surplus equipment to be destroyed — east remote batteries

• Electric strategic priorities

• Department reports

• Executive session to discuss personnel issues