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Brookings-area court report published 05-14-24
Nyabun Kun Thony, 20, Fulda, Minnesota, DUI, fined $747, suspended imposition of sentence.
Heath Adam Hemmingson, 20, Vermillion, DUI, fined $747 and sentenced to 30 days in Brookings County Detention Center, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Skylar Robert Allen Hopkins, 19, Sioux Falls, simple assault intentionally cause bodily injury, fined $496.50 and sentenced to 30 days in BCDC; resisting arrest, fined $396.50 with $1,266 restitution and sentenced to 30 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
William S. Meredith, 56, Limerick, Pennsylvania, DUI, fined $747, suspended imposition of sentence.
Kylie E. Anderson, 21, Sioux Falls, DUI, fined $747, suspended imposition of sentence.
Gage T. Carr, 22, Dell Rapids, DUI, fined $747, suspended imposition of sentence.
Jonathan James Evans, 52, Lamberton, Minnesota, DUI, fined $747, suspended imposition of sentence.
Daneil Jay Ackerman, 49, Valley Springs, DUI, fined $747, suspended imposition of sentence.
Andres Daniel Cole Chacin, 26, Katy, Texas, DUI, fined $747, suspended imposition of sentence.
Creighton Anthony Kilinkhammer, 24, of 1423 Second St., DUI, fined $747 and sentenced to 30 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Alexis Moran, 19, of 867 11th St. No. 424, DUI, fined $747 and sentenced to 30 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.
Mason Wayne Johnson, 18, Okabena, Minnesota, having an altered or invalid license in possession, fined $296.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC; possession of alcohol by a minor, fined $132.50 and sentenced to 10 days in BCDC, all jail time suspended upon conditions imposed by the court.