Brookings-area agendas for week starting July 8, 2024

Posted 7/4/24

Brookings School Board The Brookings School Board will hold a special meeting at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Dakota Prairie Elementary School at 111 26th St. S. Items on the agenda include: •Approve …

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Brookings-area agendas for week starting July 8, 2024


Brookings School Board

The Brookings School Board will hold a special meeting at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Dakota Prairie Elementary School at 111 26th St. S. Items on the agenda include:
• Approve agenda
• Executive session

Brookings City Council

The Brookings City Council will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:
• Approve agenda
• Open forum
• Approve minutes
• Action on temporary alcohol / special event licenses for existing alcohol license holders with events held on publicly owned property
• Action on a resolution awarding the Brookings City & County Government Center custodial services contract
• Action on a resolution declaring surplus property
• Ex-officio reports
• Action on a resolution awarding bids on airport parallel taxiway construction project contingent on FAA funding
• Introduction and first reading on an ordinance granting a franchise to Interstate Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc., to construct, operate, and maintain a cable television system, setting forth conditions accompanying the grant of the franchise; providing for regulation and use of the system; and prescribing penalties for the violation of its provisions: Second reading and action: July 23
• Introduction and first reading on an ordinance authorizing budget amendment No. 7 to the 2024 budget: Second reading and action: June 23
• Second reading and action on an ordinance authorizing budget amendment No. 6 to the 2024 budget
• Public hearing and action on an ordinance to rezone 2311 Yorkshire Drive from a Residence R-3 Apartment District to a Business B-2A Office District
•Public hearing and action on a temporary alcohol application from the Brookings Area Chamber, to host a series of events for Downtown at Sundown on the 300 block of Fifth Street and the 400 Block of Main Avenue on Aug. 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29
•City council member introduction of topics for future discussion

Brookings Public Arts Commission

The Brookings Public Arts Commission will meet at noon Wednesday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Discussion on resignation

• Review applications

• Pickleball courts options

• Gmail page

Brookings Sustainability Council

The Brookings Sustainability Council will meet at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include”

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Open forum

• City update

• Chief building official presentation

• Presentation on conference

• Downtown at Sundown planning

• Bee City updates

• Mayor’s award planning

• Strategic plan review

• Review subcommittee positions

• Marketing and communications subcommittee report

• Climate action plan subcommittee report

• Waste subcommittee report

• Energy subcommittee report

• Local foods subcommittee report

• No Mow May subcommittee report

• Park and Recreation Board liaison report

• Planning Commission liaison report

• Historic Preservation liaison report

• Local Emergency Planning Commission liaison report

• BATA liaison report

• Call for future agenda items

Brookings Library Board

The Brookings Library Board will meet at noon Thursday in the Brookings Public Library at 515 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Continuing education report

• Approve bills

• Historical collection policy

• Financial report

• Librarian’s report

Brookings Charter Review Commission

The Brookings Charter Review Commission will meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Introductions

• Charge

• Roles and responsibilities

• Set calendar

• Outreach targets

• Operation agreements

• City charter orientation and discussion

• Review city charter

• Next steps

Brookings Human Rights Commission

Then Brookings Human Rights Commission will meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday in the Brookings City & County Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Public comments

• Officer elections

• Event planning

• Awards

• Common read event

• Screening of documentary

• Vacancies

• Human rights training

• Budget

• Brookings Police Department report

• SDSU Police Department report

• Sheriff’s office report

• School district report

• SDSU report

• LGBTQ report

• Disability Committee report

• CLEAR report

• SDSU SA report

• Task force reports

• Working group reports

Brookings Historic Preservation Commission

The Brookings Historic Preservation Commission will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday in the Brookings City & county Government Center at 520 Third St. Items on the agenda include:

• Approve agenda

• Approve minutes

• Review update for 820 Ninth Ave.

• State case report of 312 Eighth Ave.

• Subcommittee updates

• Trolley rides planning

• Mayor’s Awards

• CLG report

• Next meeting

Brookings City Council

It is possible that at least four city council or five Park and Recreation Board members may be present for a public information meeting about emerald ash borer to be held on Thursday, July 11, from 7 to 8 p.m. at the South Dakota State University McCrory Gardens Education & Visitor Center.

Though a majority of City Council or Park and Recreation Board members may be present, no official city business will be acted upon.